Thursday, June 12, 2008

Cartier's Expedition

This week was full of important infomation that I was not previously exposed to. I noticed most of the Indian names of their tribes and what not but never knew any great detail about them individualy. Upon hearing of Cartier's expedition and the many outbreaks of disease that ravaged the native populations. An important point I thought brought up was the fact that natives would use the Europeans, just like the Europeans would use the natives, telling them that gold and other treasures that couldn't be found where they are could be found where their enemies lived. I also found it interesting that the French had such a difficult time there in establishing a community and a colony. Due to disease and overall failure to christianize the native populations. In fact, the natives who did christianize was mostly out of respect for these foreign travelers who had brought with them great technological advancements with them such as metal objects and most importantly guns.

1 comment:

eheldstab said...

I agree that this point of view is really important. Again, so often when people are taught about Natives, they are told that they were easilly killed off or assimilated, which is definitely not true. It is so important to look at the Native point of view and see that they had their own interests and many times were successful in getting things that they wanted. If only there wasn't so much disease...