Friday, June 20, 2008

French Panzies

I loved how the French are shown to be complete wusses again. It seems to be a constant thing, minus the whole Napoleon era, he must be the exception that proves the rule. Good ol' George Washington, the Father of the greatest nation in the world, definitly took up the challenge and defeated the French. Jumonville definitly got it handed to him. The blockade definitly helped the redcoats defeat the French by cutting off supply lines and reenforcements. Braddock did not seem to be much help either. Somehow being a 35 year war veteran really does not help you in the new world. Anyways, it adds to Washington's credit. Well I am going to go eat my Freedom Fries, see you all on Monday.


Paul Thompson said...

I like what you say about the 35 year military career being almost a flaw in those generals in the New World. I don't know if it was unfamiliarity with the customs of the land or simple arrogance which doomed these early generals, but there seem to be an awful lot of military failures by what would have been considered the best military men in the world at the time. Makes you think...

Irishman O'Quinn said...

The french in my mind have always been these weanie people that have always needed help from the states ever since their creation. I also didnt really have a reason other than that though, and it just confirms my beliefs more, because of how they conducted themselves through out revolutionary times.