Friday, June 6, 2008

Kennewick Man

Coming from Texas, we are not given very much information about native peoples, except for the fact that they were treated terribly throughout history. The United States broke every treaty that they ever made with the Native Americans. What is interesting to me is the situation with Kennewick man. I feel like the US government cannot hold there promises when they give it to the Natives.
I dont know if it is just a really big coincidence or if we dont keep our promises to them because they have no collateral to give to the US government, like military alliance or services. The US was supposed to give the body over and instead they gave the body to the scientists for examination. Sure the Native Peoples were going to get the body back, but that is not what the law says. If the law can be bent to please people in this situation, then why cant the law be bent for other things. I just dont get why we always screw these people over!


Madeline Hyden said...

I really struggled with decided how I felt about the Kennewick Man. On one hand I felt the same way: The tribe deserves the remains of their former tribesman. But I also think that science deserves him too. Think of how much his skeleton could reveal? Learning more about our continent's past via the KM could eventually have a part in changing how we view native peoples.

Paul Thompson said...

I've always been interested in findings such as this. The woolly mammoth they found perfectly preserved in ice a few years ago comes to mind. I think it was a fair compromise to allow scientists to study KM, because we may never find a better test subject. It's not every day you run into a 9,000 year old evolutionary aberration.

Rachael Falcon said...

I agree with you about how the government is toward Native Americans. I personally do not think that U.S. is the best country out there or do we have the best government due to what they have done to the Native Americans, Blacks and Hiroshima, its horrible.
I do have to disagree with what you said about the Native Americans had no collateral, thier collateral was Land. And military, I believe( i could be wrong) that if you look at the numbers in Armed forces, there is a high percentage of Native Americans serving our country.