Friday, June 6, 2008

Mesa Verde

I have been very interested in the sheer size of the cities that these indigenous peoples made. These cities were larger than Paris and the same size of London. This is an incredible feat that can be compared with the ancient pyramids of Egypt. I knew the Aztecs had giant structures that they used for many ceremonies, rituals, and ritual sacrafices. I had no idea that there were structures that large in the States. I visited Mesa Verde when I was a kid and did not think anything of it then, but now knowing what I have just learned in a week, I am blown away. The size of the place was incredible and there were still wood ladders that were left that we used. I can definitly see how it would be a fortress against invaders. Also, I knew that it was believed that the earliest people came over from Asia with the walkway from Russia to Alaska where the crab grounds are at now. However, it was really cool to hear about how they indegenous peoples came along the coast on kelp essentially. That was incredible within itself.

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