Friday, July 11, 2008

Adverse Allotments

Prior to studying the allotment period in our class, my understanding was that allotment was something that would boost assimilation into western culture and wasn't something that had corrupt aspects to it. I was very wrong however and it seems that the allotment periods on many reservations, although aimed with good intentions never fully played out. White settlers craved many of the reservation lands because of their prime agricultural properties with little to no care for the people or culture that they were removing from the land. Anglo settlers did everything they could to cheat and move Indian peoples off their land including illegal grazing practices and stealing allotment claims.
I was also alarmed to learn that another central practice to converting the Natives, namely education, was also very corrupt. Amongst all the segregation and racism, Native numbers at schools started to decline which led to the formation of all white schools on reservation land payed for by Indian money. Its hard to believe that this ideal of allotment with its good intentions of assimilation could go so wrong and have almost the exact opposite effects than intended.

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