Friday, July 11, 2008

Boarding School Concept

I was fortunate enough to get to attend the museum at Haskell last year with my diversity class in the school of Social Welfare. The exhibits were extremely interesting especially the one regarding the history of Haskell University as a boarding school. There were letters posted from children at the school to their parents asking to go home and telling their families that they miss them. We also walked to the cemetery on the Haskell campus and looked at the many graves of children that had died while they were there of various diseases. I recommend going to the museum because it was a really good experience.
I found it rather interesting that the government demanded these children attend boarding schools but the children were not learning anything of any significance there. They were simply being trained to do jobs that they could not do after leaving those schools anyway. These schools were extremely traumatic for these children and it seemed that they served very little purpose.

1 comment:

Becky Davis said...

I didn't realize there was a museum at Haskell but it sounds interesting. I think that its ridiculous that the children were forced into an environment that was harsh and disease filled by the government to receive a worthless education.