Thursday, July 3, 2008

more misconceptions

It seems like every week my previous views about Native American culture are changed and I'm always amazed that I never learned about these topics before this class. This week the decline of the buffalo and its link with micro-riverine environments. It makes perfect sense that the main reason for the decline of buffalo was an overuse of a natural resource, such as grazing areas but I was always under the impression the decline of buffalo was only due to over hunting. I guess thats what happens when we take Kevin Costner and Hollywood's view of history as fact. 
Another topic that was new to me was the large trading systems created by the Comanche. I find it very interesting how the Comanche trade systems evolved and how they flourished for so long yet most people have no idea these trade systems existed. 

1 comment:

Colby Wissel said...

I too have been surprised at the numerous misconceptions we have seen in this class. While there are many, I was really shocked by the buffalo misconception. I have always been taught that the great bison herds of the plains were killed off by the wasteful settlers. Compared to the other misconceptions in class, this one really stands out because it places specific blame on the white, European American settlers.