Friday, July 18, 2008

Occupation of Alcatraz

Discussing the occupation of Alcatraz was rather interesting to me. We had covered it somewhat in high school during my American History course, but had not gone as in-depth as we did here. It was very interesting to learn that Indians of All Tribes wanted the media attention more than anything else. And the guest apperances by some well known celebrities and other societal dregs (AKA hippies! J/k! LoL! Hippies aren't nearly as annoying celebrities!) added a unique plot twist.

Again, we covered this topic in high school, but it was very brief. My teacher did however share an interesting anecdote. Once Native Americans had secured Alcatraz, media outlets began asking them what their causes was and what their demands were. In a bit of irony and rather dark sarcasm, the IoAT produced a treaty that would purchase Alcatraz from the Federal Government for $24 in glass beads and red cloth! This was a reference to the purchase of the Isle of Manhattan, which Native peoples were cheated out of for the price $24 in glass beads and red cloth. Obviously, given that Manhattan eventually became the thriving, and overcrowded multi-billion dollar investment it is today, Native peoples did not regard this as a good deal.

I found this bit of history a little to classic not to share!


Grant High said...

I was also very interested to hear about the takeover at Alcatrez. However, I had not learned anything about it previously.

Jake Thibodeau said...

I was also interested! I am disappointed that my school did not cover this at all. I think I heard about it on some history Channel doc. but not in school. As a future teacher, I would like to be able to discuss these things that we have talked about in this class. I feel that high school is so limited in what they teach and what they are allowed to teach due to the standards. I say screw the standards!

nmartinez said...

You have to love the sense of humor they had for wanting the $24 in glass beads and red cloth! I thought the highlight of this event was when the hippies joined in. If it wasn't in San Francisco i'm still sure they would of drove wherever necessary to support something that they should not have been a part of. Ever since I saw the movie "The Rock," i've always wondered what it would be like to have your own island. Too bad the Native Americans didn't get to make it into their own island/museum.

Kdownard said...

This was the first time I heard of this event and was amazed at the details of what took place. I'm glad to have learned that this particular protest was successful in graping the media's attention unlike some previous attempts Indians used.

Paul Thompson said...

Leave it to the hippies to go and ruin everyone's good time. I've always said hippies were the downfall of society, and this story all but confirms it. Go find your own rock!