Thursday, July 10, 2008

Personal Experience

This week we talked about clock time versus "natural time." I went to the Navajo reservation with my church to help build a gazebo. It was a lot of fun, but the thing that was hardest to get used to was the fact the people on the reservation really did not care what we did. It was a weird feeling. They would say things like we will start at such and such a time and they would show up like a half hour late.

This goes to show that the schools that we have been talking about in class did not do their job of making the students that went to them to teach others, nor did time and society change the way people felt about time. In Kansas City, there is a program called SNAWS which stands for Sharing Native American Ways Seminar. Some of the people that are invited to this program do not even show up because they just don't have the same idea of time as "main stream" America.


Anonymous said...

But isn't that sort of a good thing that those students that went back were able to hold onto their cultural traditions and lifestyles? It just seems that a non-regimented lifestyle fits better into their way of life.

Andrew Blann said...

I think its two different cultures, and it is very difficult to reconcile typical American lifestyles and Native lifestyles.