Friday, June 20, 2008

Europeans were big meanies

It is somewhat amazing to me that the British were able to come out of the French and Indian War victorious after what I learned in class this week. They definitely did not start out with much in their favor, especially after losing the native allies they had at first. With knowledge of the natives in that region and the trading relations they had with the French, surely the British would think that the key to success was gaining more native allies for their side. Instead, they decided they didn't need native allies?!? Another aspect that I obviously knew little about was how far back indian removal really dates. When I think of indian removal, I think of the Trail of Tears and other events going on in the 1800's. Sure, europeans had been invading native territory for years before that, but they were also already taking land away. It seems to me, the europeans were a bunch of selfish, greedy, land hungry people out to better their ownings and wealth. When I though the sole purpose of the Revolutionary War was for the colonists to gain independence from their British leaders, they were already using that time to move over the boundaries and into territory that was supposed to belong only to the Natives. Looking past treaties and boundaries was something that was going on from pretty much when the first treaty between europeans and natives was every made.

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