Friday, June 20, 2008

Gender Roles

I thought the lecture about gender roles in Native society was very insightful. The European idea of "squaw drudges" was completely discounted. Women played an incredibly important role in Native society, from work to the raising of children. Men had little knowledge about what went on in the realm of women, whether it was the tanning of hides, creating of homes, cooking, gathering or any other type of work. I thought it was interesting how the Cherokee secluded women into menstrual huts because of the blood and supernatural power that comes from it. 
Europeans had misconceptions about the role of women because the practices viewed as most important, protecting and providing were the role of men. I also think they had misconceptions about the role of women is because they were all men. I know I have no idea about what women are doing and I like to think our society is more enlightened that the European explorers and the Natives. It is impossible to know anything about Native women without accounts from the women because the Native men were clueless and the Europeans viewed women in a manner similar to how they viewed women in Europe. 

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