Friday, June 20, 2008

Greedy Colonists

When I have read stories concerning how tribes such as the Choctaws were constantly giving up huge sections of land for peace, trade, etc. and that the colonists were still unable to stay off their land, it is rather infuriating. These people come over here and just start taking what does not belong to them and wonder why Native Americans are attacking settlements and becoming angry. They are being pushed off of their land for the benefit of land speculators and colonists that were given boundaries and chose to ignore them for their own selfish desires. This brings up a good question I began to think about.
Some claim that the study of history is extremely important because it is through the study of where we have been and what others have done that we can learn from past mistakes. This statement has not held true in the light of recent examples of genocide but what have we learned from studying what has happened to Native Americans and would we do it all over again if given the chance? For example, if a ground-breaking discovery in the future were to uncover people living in an as-yet-unknown but inhabitable environment, would we start sending people there and begin claiming parts of it for ourselves, most likely in the name of science and expansion? I have to say that I think we would and that makes me sad to think that we may not have learned anything from the mistakes of the past. Anything that we are willing to implement, anyway.


Craig W. Young said...

I understand how you can be upset, but the only way to expand your empire is to conquer lands and peoples. At this time, Spain, France, and England were trying to do just that. It has been done all throughout history and will continue to be done. The man with the best tools and weapons always comes out on top.

Stephanie Bray said...

That is the upsetting part. That people feel like it has to be done and it really doesn't. That is the reason it continues to be done because people see nothing wrong with using whatever advantage they have regardless of the costs.

Andrew Blann said...

The uncontacted tribes living in the Amazon basin is an example of how undiscovered tribes are treated. Illegal logging is taking place that threatens their culture, groups are in place to protect the tribes but I think we will eventually see their destruction.

Rachael Falcon said...

I agree with you. I do not think the U.S. is the best country. With history of Natives and then with Hiroshima and Nagaski , its horrible. Thats why i'm so intrested in History so much. I don't really agree with Craig saying who's on top? top of what? Murdering women and children? Ok i'll get off my soap box.

Spencer Dean said...

That is definatley how it works with empire building. it has been done all throughout history with every smaller people being dominated by a larger empire.